الأحد، 6 سبتمبر 2015

تعريف مرض السلطان

تعريف مرض السرطان

هو عبارة عن مصطلح طبى يحتوى على عدة مجموعات كثيرة من الامراض التى تنتشير بطريقة او بصورة واضحة غير عادية للخلاية الجسمية التى تنتشير داخل جسم المريض بة بدون ملاحظة وهذة الخلاية لها القدرة الغير عادية على دخول الانسجة الموجودة بداخل جسم المريض مما تجعلها تضمر الخلايا السليمة فى جس المريض وهذا المرض يستطيع ان ينتشر بقدرة فائقة فى جميع انحاء جسم الانسان

نتيجة مريض السرطان

فى غالبية الحالات يوئدى مرض السرطانالى الوفاة فى العالم العربى ولكن توجد نسبة منة احتمالات الشفاء فيها تحسن نتيجة شعور الشخص المريض بما يطراء علية من اعراض مبكيرة فايلجة الى الكشف المبكير عن هذا المرض ومعرفة نوعة ومعرفة نوع العلاج الذى يحتاج الية المريض 

اعراض مرض السرطان 

يظهر على الشخص المريض به  [كحة]  شديدة ويشعر المريض بهذا المرض بعد هذة الكحة بتمزق فى صدرة وبالم شديد 

تختلف هذة الاعراض من شخص الى شخص اخر 

وهذا يرجع حدوث هذا المرض وفقا لعضو من اعضاء جسم هذا الانسان المصاب به هذا المريض

ومن المتضح انه توجد اعراض منسوبة لهذا المرض 

ولكن هذة الاعراض ليست خاصة بهذا المرض مثل ظهور كتلة او تضخم يمكن تحسسها تحت الجلد او الم يشعر به المريض او ارتفاع فى درجة الحرارة او تعب مؤلم

ويوجد بجسم المريض بهذا المرض زيادة او نقص بوزم جسم المريض 

ويوجد ايضا طفح على سطح جلد المريض مثل ظهور لون اصفر لجسم او احمرار لجسم المريض لهذا المرض او ظهور بقع قاتمة اللون 

اوتوجد اعراض جروح تستمر فترة طويلة دون شفاء 

او يظهر استمرار فى السعال او انسداد فى الصوت  [بحة الصوت]وخروجه من الفم بصعوبه شديدة وتظهر صعوبة فى البلع اثناء تناول الطعام وشعور المريض بعدم الراحة بعد تناولة كل وجبة غذائه وتوجد عند المريض بهذا المرض صعوبة فى عسر الهضم .

الجمعة، 4 سبتمبر 2015

فوائد الاعشاب الطبية

فوائد الاعشاب الطبية

متى عرف الانسان الاعشاب الطبيه وكيف استخدمها فى الكثير من الامراض ومن الذىنصح بها من الاطباء المسلمون منذ قديم الاذل                                             من الواضح ان هذه الا عشاب الطبيه اختفت بشكل عام نتيجه لظهور التطور الصناعى وظهور الا دويه الحديثه واصبح العالم العربى يتجه بصوره غير طبيعيه الى الاعشاب كبديل للعلاج والادويه الطبيه والتى تتسبب فى العديد من المشاكل الطبيه المختلفه ونسرد لكم من هذه الاعشاب فى البلاد العربيه التى تنمو فيها هذه الاعشاب    مثل فوائد الجمة         


يعتبر نبات العرقسو س نبات برى ماخوذ من الفصيله البقوليه

ويطلق على جذوره عرقسوسواصل السوس ويعتبر هذا العشب من اشهر الاعشاب فىالبلاد العربيه منذ قديم الزمان ويسمى بالاتينى GlucerrHiza jlabra وتوجد   زراعة هذا النوع من الاعشاب حول حوض البحر الابيض المتوسط                             الماده الفعاله فى العرقسوس 

هى الجلسيرهزين واثبتت التركيبات التحليليه ان السوس يحتوى على املاح معدنيه    ومواد سكريه وتعتبر اهم هذه الموادهى الماغنسيوم /الفوسفات/مواد صابونيه التى تسبب الرغوه عند صب العصير/البوتاسيوم/ الكالسيوم ويحتوى زيت طيار على ذلك الخصائص الطبيه للعرقسوس                                                                        يعتبر العرقسوس هو علاج قوىوملين مدر للبول وهو ايضا علاج لفقدان الصوت ومسكن للسعال  ويعتبر مسكن قوى فى علاج الكلى                                             طريقة استعمال العرقسوس                                                                         ملعقه صغيره يوميا مره واحده فى علاج عسر الهضم والامساك المزمن وقرحة المعده وينصح الاطباء على عدم تناول مشروب العرقسوس فى ضغط الدم لانه يتسبب فى احتباس بعض السوائل وهو يصنع من عصر جدور السوس                                   اليانسون                                                                                            يعتبر اليانسون هو نبات ماخوز من فصيلة الخاميات ومن مواصفاته له ساق رفيع مضلع تتفرع منه فروع طويله تحمل اوراقمسننه مستديره وله ازها بيضاء وصغيرة الشكل ونستخدم منه البدور                                                                           المواد الفعاله                                                                                             يعتبر اليانسون مفيدفى عملية اضرار اللبن ومفيد للولاده ومدر للبول ومنشط للهضم ومسكن للمغص والسعال ومهدى للاعصاب  ويعتبر هذا كله من الخصائص الطبيه لليانسون                                                                                                  من فوائد االزنجبيل                                                                                    يعتبر هذا النبات من العائله الزنجبارية وهو يعتبر من نباتات ا لاماكن الحاره و هو يحتوى على زيتطيار وله طعم لاذع ورائحه نفاذه ويكثر نباته فى بلاد الصين وسيلان والمكسيك وكثر فى بلاد الهند الشرقيه.


الاثنين، 31 أغسطس 2015

What are the benefits orange juice

What are the benefits orange juice

The orange of the famous trees, is a state Brazil the first country in the world production of this fruit with a sweet taste sour, a great many and multiple benefits, is due naming orange fruit that name to the State of Portugal, the fact that this country is that the transfer of this fruit of the native It is China in Southeast Asia to Portugal, and most of them go to Europe, Latin America and the United States of America parts. And also cultivated in many countries of the Arab world such as Egypt, Sudan, Palestine, Palestine and knew Bertqal city of Jaffa.

Orange famous types
The orange sweet taste, and said to him orange diabetes; use this type in the juice industry.
Orange Tangerines or Mandarin, which is orange small size intense sweetness, the seeds do not exist from the inside, and using this type of direct-to-eat and canning; where was named relative to a young man named Yusuf Effendi bring this fruit with him from Europe to Muhammad Ali Pasha.
Sour orange is also called Seville orange, grown in Europe and especially Spain, and is used for the manufacture of perfume oils for the existence of the abundance.
Navel oranges or navel, and was named to the presence of the bump-like family man.
Alkmkuat Japanese orange or orange, and said to him the golden orange, in which only three seeds, which has a sweet taste and stinging.

Nutritional and health value of the orange
Orange contains a large and a high proportion of water equivalent to about 80%, also contains fructose, and materials carbohydrates, and dietary fiber, also contains many nutritional vitamins, including: Vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and vitamin C, which also has some dietary minerals such as : phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and iron, and also contains a substance Filafinoad, and orange pills contain only 47 calories, and it also pectin, oranges completely free of cholesterol.

The benefits of orange juice
Maintains normal levels of blood pressure, and that the presence of magnesium element that balances the blood pressure in the body.
Strengthens and activates the body's immune system, and that the presence of vitamin c in the juice, which protects the body from many diseases such as influenza and the common cold, and inflammation of the airways.
Remove skin wrinkles and delay the onset of aging.
Hair density increases, and increases hair growth quickly.
It removes bulges under the eye, and eliminates dark circles around the eyes.
Burn abdominal fat in record time.
It cleanses the body of many types of microbes and bacteria.
It treats acne and erase the effects.
Natural laxative for the digestive system; it contains dietary fiber.
It builds inflamed tissue in wounds and burns.
It prevents the emergence and development of many cancers such as lung cancer, skin cancer, and colon cancer, and others.
It helps treat stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers.
It prevents the formation of sediment and gravel in the kidneys.
It reduces the risk of heart attacks.
Fights anemia; and that the presence of vitamin c which helps the absorption of iron.
Orange juice reduces the production of cholesterol in the liver.
Strengthens the sperm when Alrjalh due to the presence of bioflavonoids

The benefits of watermelon

The benefits of watermelon

Food importance of watermelon
Watermelon contains a high proportion of water, and does not contain any fat or cholesterol; so it is a useful fruit, especially to get rid of obesity, and for those interested in agile, are watermelon cultivation in more than 96 countries around the world.
100 grams of watermelon contains the amount of lycopene, which is so similar to what they contain medium-sized tomato.
Red watermelon peel is a natural source of a substance Alcetrawlin, an amino acid that enhances the production of nitrogen oxide that improves blood flow through the arteries.
Melon of the most important sources rich in vitamin C, which is a good source of vitamin A and beta-carotene, and one cup of watermelon gives us a day to 24.3% per day of vitamin C
Watermelon contain beta-carotene and 11.1% of vitamin A.
There are types of melon free of black seeds, it has been reached that kind of melon by addressing flowers fertilized kind of acid, free of Vantage watermelon seeds.

The benefits of watermelon
Melon is used as a diuretic; he used an old drenched melon seeds for diuresis, reduce blood pressure.
According to peel watermelon red when placed on the injured itchy skin caused by allergic contact Kallbulab some plants and beech, in mitigation of this fumbling.
Watermelon reduces the risk of colorectal cancer. In a study in Korea it found that people Almktherin of eating watermelon are less likely to develop colorectal cancer.
Through a study of 130 patients with the enormity of the prostate it found that people who eat watermelon red less likely to develop prostate cancer.
Using watermelon Kmuftt of grit.
Melon is used as a moderator for cough.
Melon is used as a moderator for the nerves, and is stress and anxiety.
Watermelon facilitates the process of digestion.
Watermelon tells the body because it contains water.
Melon is used as a therapist for jaundice.
Peel the melon useful in the treatment of vitiligo.
Used in the treatment of kidney disease and hemorrhoids.
Melon is used for the treatment of hepatitis.
Using watermelon strong laxative for the intestines.
Using watermelon strong tonic for the liver
Using watermelon Hypocholesterolemic to body temperature.
Using watermelon moisturizer for the skin.
Melon is used for the treatment of melasma.
Melon is used for the treatment of hemorrhoids.
Melon is used to get rid of dandruff.
Using watermelon Kmazil of salts which are deposited inside the body.
Using watermelon tonic for the body.
Watermelon is good for pregnant women because it provides the body with the missing water.
Watermelon protects from inflammation of the urine of pregnant women, which have been caused by the first decrease water and vaginal dryness
Ahtmaalat of watermelon reduces the risk of heart disease because it contains large amounts of vitamin C, beta-carotene.
Watermelon reduces congestion of the respiratory tract of asthmatics because it contains large amounts of vitamin C, beta-carotene.

The benefits of watermelon for the heart

The benefits of watermelon for the heart

The benefits of watermelon for the heart
(91%) of the components of watermelon is water, and therefore Troy thirst in the summer and provide the body with water it needs.
The rest of the watermelon components of foodstuffs for the intake is low sugar and calories. Ration of melons, which are equivalent to almost give a cup almost 40 calories and contains 13 grams of sugar.
The index Algelaiseme Glycemic Index (how quickly the sugar effect on raising sugar in the blood), the watermelon is high which makes some people avoid eating (especially diabetes), but more importantly from the index Algelaiseme is the amount of load sugar in the blood - Glycemic Load any quantity consumed watermelon, and as the percentage of water high in the watermelon any food ration and the amount of sugar in the quantity Altnolh be few and thus the extent of sugar remains a little high.
Watermelon provides the body with 20% of the needs of vitamin C, a vitamin that the human body needs continuously being one of the most sensitive to water, air and heat vitamins.
Ration of watermelon also provide the body with 19% of vitamin A, a Vvitamen of the most important antioxidant vitamins.
In addition to vitamin A as an anti-oxidant, it contains a high percentage of the most important Aldhadh also material-oxidant - lycopene - ycopene- which proved how important modern heart-health studies .. making watermelon from the heart of the food is also beneficial.
Watermelon of the additional features that also benefit heart health is that it is rich in one of the amino acids (Alcetrawlin) Who helps improve blood circulation.
Metals also the melon is rich in potassium era is necessary to maintain the balance of salts in the body and the health of the kidneys.

The amount of people eat watermelon
After that we made sure of the nutritional value of watermelon and private benefits for heart health focus on the quantity intake of it remains to enjoy its benefits do not increase our sugars and calories, is the amount of a cup or two triangles of watermelon slice an appropriate share of all persons fruit. Usually we advised to eat food 2-3 servings of fruit a day and also recommend diversification in our choices until we get the different flavors and also various vitamins and nutritional benefits.

How to choose a watermelon
The question that baffles everyone stays in how to choose a watermelon is better, there is some evidence to help you in choosing the most mature grain and the best taste, when choosing a grain of watermelon better chose the pill heavier compared to their size and because most mature Includes the amount of water more watermelon and thus heavier. Recent evidence also is the color of watermelon belly, if green is not a grain of watermelon matured enough, the pill is the most mature of her womb by a dark yellow spot.

Watermelon storage method
It remains to say that watermelon storage method is also very important to maintain the taste also, before watermelon cutting preferably stored in temperature between 10-16drjh Celsius and because the room temperature is hot in the summer preferably stored in a low temperature room (the kitchen is usually higher due to the presence of cooking gas ), but after cut watermelon should be stored in the refrigerator to maintain properties and protect it from damage, enjoy deals with watermelon food and its benefits

The benefits of strawberries

The benefits of strawberries

Fruit thin texture, beautiful scenery, and it is a good food to keep fit; where grams percent of which has a thirty calories only.
Strawberries are also characterized by a high percentage of vitamin C, which is one of the antioxidants that maintain the health of cells and tissues and the safety of the heart, and help heal wounds.

The red pigment which protects the heart like that of tomatoes, which are gaining in color from red pigment lycopene.

Folic acid helps found in strawberries on cell division, and maintains the natural growth of the fetus in the case of pregnancy, and the iron in the strawberry is one of the components of hemoglobin in the blood that carries oxygen to help release energy.
And strawberries contain important minerals such as zinc is necessary for healthy skin, hair and immune and fertility, and magnesium is necessary for the transmission of nerve signals

It is worth mentioning that every 100 grams of strawberries contains 91% water and about 0.61 grams of protein, 0.37 grams fat.

The benefits of strawberries
- Strawberries fight cancer.
- Strawberry working to cool the liver, blood, spleen and stomach bile.
- Strawberry gingivitis papers address.
- Strawberry useful in the treatment of gout.
- According to people with tuberculosis in his treatment of what content of vitamins.
- Reservation strawberry body temperature, and free him from the accumulation of gravel in the gall bladder and kidney.
- Strawberry juice activates the body, concludes the skin of pimples.
- Strawberry juice is useful in the treatment of sore throat.
- Strawberries are used in cases of anemia
-asar Strawberries benefit gastritis and stomach ulcers.
-astaml Mashed strawberries to remove facial wrinkles.
-lafraolh Useful in non-mental powers, especially for the elderly degradation.
- Tsaaadalafraolh to absorb toxins from the body.
-lafraolh Easy to digest.
-tsaad Strawberries to reduce the anxiety and stress because they contain Vitamin C
- Lafraolhaly helps reduce harmful fat in the body such as the level of LDL cholesterol.
- Strawberry strengthens the libido because they contain seeds of high levels of zinc, note that zinc is more supported by elements of the race, and zinc enters the sperm combination.

Despite the benefits of infinite strawberry However, some people with allergies to these fruits young or old, you see the person who is suffering from this allergy starts rubbing his body immediately after eating strawberries or anything it contains, such as certain types of sweets or drinks that contain these fruit, it is best to avoid eating strawberries by people with these allergies.

It drinks appetite and loved by everyone is fresh strawberry juice. Let's review the components and the method of preparation is very easy:

Bring fresh strawberries, to taste, and cold water, and sugar to taste, and mix these ingredients together until Etjanoi, it is possible to add milk and honey so as to increase interest for the body.

The benefits of red grapes

The benefits of red grapes

The grape is the most growing in the world of fruit, and there are multiple types of it vary Habadtha and turquoise, which may be green or red or black or pink.

The grape is a rich source of vitamin C and potassium as well as fiber The seeds Vthtoa a lot of antioxidants, while the grape peel contains the same anti-inflammatory properties and anti-cancer substance, grapes also contain Filawoonoiadat also contains a substance Lycpene belonging to Alkorotinoiadat resistance of breast and prostate cancer.

The benefits of red grapes
Studies indicate that the Red grapes great benefits including that it reduces fatigue, reduces osteoporosis as is the stimulus to the nerves and muscles is also very useful for athletes and workers and helps them to regain their strength and flexibility of nerves and muscles, and that eating grapes prevents hardening of the arteries and Ihaft body tissue of combustion Also, the grapes filter the blood and Anekaya of toxins, as well as grapes easy to digest food is considered as equivalent to the value of grapes nutritional value of the milk to it in this article will deal with the rest of the medical benefits:

Found that eating grape juice improves mental function.
Grape Seed helps minimize the absorption and accumulation of fat food it helps to slimming.
Grapes ability to inhibit growth of cancer cells, especially breast, colon cancer, kidney, stomach, blood and juice inhibits the growth of breast cancer and its seeds inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells.
Eating grape juice increases the beneficial cholesterol ratio is beneficial for heart health.
It works to reduce blood pressure.
Expels toxins.
That cleanses the blood.
Stimulates liver.
It contains antioxidants such as vitamins (A, C) and minerals.
Rich in fiber insoluble and soluble.
It reduces the incidence of dementia and Alzheimer's.
It treats osteoporosis.
It calms the cough and pain is relieved the chest of phlegm.
It protects against gum pain and loss of teeth.
The grape seeds also contain a metal "Boron" It is useful post-menopausal women, Faihafez to high levels of the female hormone and thereby alleviating the problems faced by women at menopause
Grape seed plays its proximity to "Proanthocyanidins" materials an important role in the fight against disease by stimulating the immune system resistant to bacteria, viruses and fungi, as they struggle allergies and act also as anti-inflammatory.
It is generating for Paul because it contains a high proportion of potassium.
Grape juice and seeds on the sugars, vitamins and fruit acids that work on the smoothness of the skin and peel contain; to get rid of dead cells.
The substances found in grape pits, it pulls the skin and fights free atoms that affect the skin tissue
It resists the harmful effect of the sun's rays.
Contains a substance "resveratrol" that gives protection to the heart and blood vessels, research has shown that the substance "resveratrol" contained in grapes inhibit blotting the blood vessels are effective in the treatment of vascular disease.

The grapes are many benefits It helps to slimming and improves mental functions and has a role in the prevention of cancers, as well as maintain a healthy heart and has been mentioned grapes in the Koran in Sura Thunder: (In plots Mottagorat and gardens of grapes and planting palm twins and non-twins irrigated water, and one and prefer each other in eating in this are Signs for those who are wise)